Frequently Asked Questions

RPGGen is an inspirational online roleplaying game content platform helping users tell memorable stories.

What the heck's that supposed to mean?

RPGGen is a digital roleplaying game content platform. The platform currently supports "supplements", dynamic content for use and consumption for any type of roleplaying game. Supplements are made up of a series of pages. These pages can contain any kind of written content, including headers, text entries, boxed text, and links to other pages within the supplement. Roll tables can also be embedded inline along with text making certain details dynamic each and every time.

RPGGen leverages the dynamic nature of the the digital space to enrich content beyond the printed page.

Take a look at the Sample Supplements for more concrete examples.

View the Shop to check out the currently available supplements.

Create an RPGGen account now and begin building your digital collection.

Visit the account registration page to create an RPGGen account now and begin building your digital collection.

To become a patron, visit the PQU Patreon Page and sign up for the Support Development tier for $7 a month.

If you create your account before subscribing on Patreon and your email address is the same on both platforms, your patron status will be updated automatically. Otherwise, you will need to be manually input into the system when you pledge.

RPGGen is in active development and as such the site can change at any time.

Right now users can dip their toe in by checking out the Sample Supplements page.

A Roll Table is a text prompt and a series of results that can be "rolled" on. Here is an example:

Why did the goblin cross the road?

Currently within RPGGen, roll tables can be displayed alone, inline with other text, or in a table format.

An RPGGen Supplement is "book" made up of digital pages with text and roll tables composed inline together. Think of it like a supplemental book or PDF but one whose content can constantly change and be updated.

Anyone can demo RPGGen by viewing the currently available samples.

Users with accounts can add available supplements to their digital library. To begin building your digital library, you can create an account.

Patreon supporters that have an RPGGen account are given the chance to redeem exclusive supplements each month they are a member. Support RPGGen on Patreon for as little as $7 to add exclusive supplements to your library.

The RPGGen community lives on the PQU Patreon. Join the free community on Patreon for updates and exclusive content.

There is plenty of free content on the Patreon for free community members, but supporting PQU on Patreon offers the chance to redeem exclusive supplements each month.

To contact us, email