Black Magic Sample > What is Black Magic?
Black Magic is a social riddle game to be played in a small group setting. The game begins with at least two players, an asker and an answerer. In this game, the answerer Click for Result bores into the depths of the asker's Click for Result As the game is played, the magic will slowly spread to others in the group, and as more people join, others can take turns being asker and answerer. Each round of the game, more people can begin to Click for Result as they catch onto the secret and the game continues to spread. Any two people can play the game together for others to observe. Each time the game is played is another chance for others to intuit how the game works.
Black Magic is a game and a riddle mixed into one. The game is fun for the players that are in on the secret as well as those trying to figure it out. It is also a game that requires nearly nothing other than being able to communicate. Maybe you play one before appetizers, one or two while waiting for your meal to be prepared, a few over dessert; by the end of the night suddenly everyone in your group is feeling the magic.
Before getting to the underlying rules or "secret" of the game, some discussion of the intention of the game is necessary. This game is unique in that, being told the secrets of how it works before getting a chance to play Click for Result and defeats the purpose. Players should experience and learn the game by playing, and those in the know should only share the secrets of the game in the most extreme circumstances. (If someone doesn't want to play or can't figure it out, they can be told once the game is over and everyone knows, but not a moment before. This way they remain in the dark and can't accidentally mess it up for anyone else.) If the game must be played over multiple gatherings for everyone to get it, so be it! The experience will only be better for it.
The experience of playing this game for all players relies heavily on who is playing the game, especially the answerer, the person running and managing the game at the start. The game is very simple, but for maximum effect, it can be made to seem as Click for Result as possible without going too overboard. Players will beg you not to tell them the secret, just play another round and they'll figure it out this time, they promise. Another way to describe it is, at the heart of this game lies a spoiler. Just like a movie or television show, if you tell someone what to expect without allowing them to experience it themselves, the game Click for Result
The official name of this game is Black Magic, but here are a few silly names that you can use as well. Feel free to mix, match, and come up with your own!

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