Polymorphism is a Go!

August 7, 2023

While it isn't very obvious on the front-end just yet, I have completed work on a back-end project for the site that marks a very large step. Originally, the RPGGen prototype included the ability to create Roll Tables, as well as create Collections by putting arranging Roll Tables in order and using them all together.

As innocuous as it may sound, I have programmed the ability for Collections to contain objects other than Roll Tables. A single new entity has also been added, the TextEntry. Users cannot create or edit these just yet, but the TextEntry is the first new object to be introducted to the platform. This entity allows users to input text and have it show up inside of their collection.

Once TextEntries can be created and added to Collections by users they can used alongside Roll Tables to create memorable tools on the site. While a list of random generators (Roll Tables) that can constantly be rolled on has plenty of use, it is barely the beginning. The ability to add other objects alongside Roll Tables is one of the first steps necessary for users to really begin creating helpful digital tools.



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