RPGGen Explanation > What is RPGGen?
RPGGen is an inspirational online roleplaying game content platform helping users tell memorable stories. Abstractly, RPGGen is a platform that allows content to be input in order to make said content variable upon each use. Imagine using a roleplaying game supplement that rolls on the tables for you and inputs the results directly into the text.
Welcome to RPGGen.
Growing up I had nobody to play roleplaying games with. To get as close as possible to playing I would sneak into my brother's off-limits room to read and re-read any supplemental content and pre-written adventure modules I could get my hands on. I didn't have access to much, but I'd get my fix from core books, supplements, and the occasional issue of Dragon or Dungeon magazine. This content was worth so much to me, there was nothing else like it I could get my hands on. I've played countless hours of many games since then, but to this day I can't get enough supplemental game content and pre-written adventure modules to satisfy my hunger.
This project is an ode to that little kid sneaking around to get his fix, and I see pre-written adventure modules playing a large part in the future of RPGGen. I want to see adventure modules and roleplaying game supplements yanked unceremoniously into a digital future and I want RPGGen to play a part in that.
RPGGen.com (as in Roleplaying Game Generator) is a website that will bring digital, online advantages to traditionally static roleplaying game content like books and PDFs. RPGGen is not limited in the type of content that it can support, whether content specific to a game, a game in and of itself, or content agnostic of any game.
RPGGen supplements can contain anything, they can be monster guides, agnostic adventures, cookbooks, tavern or NPC generation worksheets, game-specific adventures or content, game playsets; any kind of text content can be input into the system. But this is merely the beginning for RPGGen.
The digital nature of RPGGen supplements allows for plots, games, and stories that are more complex than linear, printed books. RPGGen allows for nonlinear structures, in comparison to linear, page 1 to page XYZ of a book.
As an RPGGen user you can add supplements to your account and interact with them through the website. The subject of a supplement can be anything, from a game system, to a campaign setting, to agnostic rulesets, to a supplement to help me choose what dinners to prepare each night of the week.
Supplements are composed of a series of collections. Collections are like the pages of a supplement, or the chapters. They are referred to as collections because they are made up of collections of objects like paragraphs, boxed text, headers, and roll tables.
Once you have created an account, visit the shop page to add supplements to your account. There are free supplements as well as supplements only available to Patreon supporters. Once a supplement is in your library you own it forever. However, supplements will come and go from the shop over time.

Sign Up, Sanderson

This free sample is meant to show off what RPGGen can do. To get access to full supplements and begin building your RPGGen digital library create an account and log in.

For access to exclusive content in your RPGGen account, support PQU on Patreon.